Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software
Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software
Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software
The Ultimate Database Manager
Donor Manager is the ultimate database manager for independent schools and charitable organizations. It was designed from the ground up for Canadian organizations, to handle all donation tracking and tax receipt printing needs.

Donor Manager was originally known as DTMS (Donation/Tuition Management System), and was primarily used to track all school income (Donations, Tuition Payments, and Other income), generate numerous reports on this income data, and produce the necessary income tax receipts. The program has now been expanded, building on its database core to become a full-featured Contact Management System for schools and other charitable organizations. Track tuition/donation information
Process tuition/donation payments
Direct deposit interface
Contact management function
Management reports
Print official tax receipts
User defined tables and fields

Donor Manager - Donation Tracking Software
Canborough Computer Systems
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